LCH are very pleased to introduce to you one of the smallest temporary boilers in the industry. No expense has been spared manufacturing this boiler within bespoke frame. Please don’t be fooled by its size within is an all singing all dancing plant room. Designed and built with the hire industry in mind this unit can be positioned through doors , in lifts and small corridors and pathways
150 – 300kw Micro Condensing
- 150 - 300kwMicro Condensing Boiler
- Ancillaries Braided stainless steel flexible hose connection HTG / DHW / GAS
- Bespoke frame designed to fit through doors and corridors W 790 mm L 1990 mm H 1990mm
- Customer logo added on every order primary and secondary pressurisation
- Full remote monitoring package complete with digital integral temp reading display
- High turndown 5:1 turndown
- Integral Modular ideal 150kw boilers
- Low NOx < 40mg/kWh (class 6)
- Mergeable units up to 1.3MW
- No signage units ideal for trade customer to re brand
- Pallet trucked into position
- Smallest footprint boiler in the industry @ 300kwDuty
- Up to 110 %-part load efficiency
- Up to 99.6% full load efficiency